All local choral groups are welcome to join our networking events (Fall Beer Choir and Spring Tea for Two) and are encouraged to list their upcoming concerts on our Events Calendar and submit choral profiles at no cost. GBFOM provides extra benefits to choral groups that contribute $50 or more as "dues," including grant eligibility, a share of our 50 ads aired on WNED-FM, participation in our $2,500 budget for holiday program advertisements, and eligibility for ECMEA Senior High All-County ticket vouchers.
Five $500 grants will be awarded to area choral groups who donate $50 or more to GBFOM in fiscal 2024-25.
View images of previous
GBFOM events.
Submit or update a profile of your choral group here.
Click here to find recommended vendors and
other helpful information for choral groups.
Participating WNY Choral Groups
Click on names in bold for a profile
and link to the group's website
Avanti Orchestra and Chorus
American Guild of Organists
Amherst Central S.H. Music Dept.
Baker Memorial United Methodist Church
Bridges from Borders
Buffalo Choral Arts Society
Buffalo Gateway Show Chorus
Buffalo Master Chorale
Buffalo Niagara Choirs
Buffalo Opera Unlimited
Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus
Buffalo State Chamber Singers
Buffalo State Chorale
Buffalo State Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Buffalo United Community Chorus
Calvary Episcopal Church
Canisius College Chorale
Canisius High School Music Ensembles
Cantate Omnes
Chopin Singing Society
Church Musicians’ Guild
Festival Chorus of WNY/CFPA
First Presbyterian Church, Lockport
Friends of Harmony
Fourteen Holy Helpers Church
Harmonia Chamber Singers
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Lancaster Depew Community Chorus
Lockport Chorale
Middleport Community Choir
Momentum Choir
New Beginning Choral Ensemble
Niagara Opera Company
Nickel City Opera
Opera Buffs of WNY
Our Lady of Victory Basilica
The Queen City Chordsmen
Sotto Voce Vocal Collective
St. John Paul II Schola Cantorum
St. Joseph University Parish
St. Louis Roman Catholic Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral
SUNY Fredonia Camerata
SUNY Fredonia Chamber Choir
SUNY Fredonia College Choir
SUNY Fredonia University Choir
Trinity Episcopal (Buffalo) Choir
Valparaiso U Christmas Vesper Choir
Villa Maria College
Vox Lusciniae
West Seneca West S.H. Music Dept.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Women’s Choir of Buffalo